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What is Subluxation?

The term subluxation refers to a joint that isn’t’ working correctly – either it’s misaligned or not moving the way it’s supposed to (or a combination of both). When this happens, this often leads to pain, numbness, burning or tingling anywhere where that subluxation may be occurring in the body. When vertebrae of the spine subluxate, a chiropractor can remove or reduce these subluxations through chiropractic adjustments and thus bring pain relief to the patient. Most people are familiar with chiropractors adjusting the back or neck to give relief, but really ANY joint in the body can subluxate and thus be adjusted – for example, the jaw can subluxate – leading to symptoms of TMJ. Ribs can subluxate – causing pain in the rib itself anywhere along the length of it.  Feet can subluxate, shoulders can subluxate. Wrists can subluxate. And the list goes on and on.

If you have a subluxated joint, of course, the best solution is to be adjusted by a chiropractor. But here are some at-home solutions that can help you get by before your next chiropractic appointment:

1.  De-stress – Too many of us are overworked and overstressed causing excessive tension which typically increases pain from subluxations. Make time every day to unwind and relax. That could take the form of deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, listening to relaxing music or positive mental imagery.

3. Watch your sleep – Pain from subluxations often worsens at night. Make sure you have good sleep habits. Avoid caffeine before bedtime. Go to bed at the same time every night so it’s routine. And keep in mind the least stressful positions are to sleep on your side or back.

2. Stretching – Stretching can reduce the tightness of muscle spasms associated with subluxations. Much of the pain experienced with subluxations can come from the muscle spasms alone. Focusing on reducing spasm can give considerable relief.

4. Ice packs – Many find considerable relief from using ice to the area of the body involved with a subluxation. Ice works to reduce inflammation and swelling thus providing relief. Apply ice to the designated area for 15 minutes every 2-3 hours as needed.

5. Take Bromelain – Bromelain is an all-natural extract from pineapples. Taken with meals, it acts as a digestive aid. But taken outside of meals, it acts an anti-inflammatory agent. Bromelain helps reduce swelling surrounding the subluxated joint thus reducing the pain associated with subluxation.

If you or someone you know is suffering from symptoms associated with a subluxated joint in the body, we may be able to help you at Health Quest through chiropractic care. Call us today to schedule an evaluation at 573-635-9655.

Yours in health,

Dr. Ted Tang D.C.

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